EasyVision Utilities ******************** EasyVision provides several tools to ease certain commonly used tasks, such as camera calibration, learning of model features for object recognition, or learning color histogram as well as remote server. Camera Calibration ================== Checker board 9x7 calibration pattern is being used for mono and stereo camera calibration. You can find an image with the pattern in openCV images folder. Mono Camera: calibrate_camera ----------------------------- Usage:: # python -m EasyVision.bin.calibrate_camera -h usage: calibrate_camera.py [-h] [-f FILE] [-g GRID] [-i SIZE] [-p FPS] [-N N] [-t] camera Camera calibration tool positional arguments: camera Camera device ID/folder optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f FILE, --file FILE Output filename of the calibrated camera -g GRID, --grid GRID Grid shape of the calibration target -i SIZE, --size SIZE Frame width and height -p FPS, --fps FPS Frame rate -N N Number of samples to gather -t, --test Test camera calibration file Stereo Camera: calibrate_stereo ------------------------------- Usage:: # python -m EasyVision.bin.calibrate_stereo -h usage: calibrate_stereo.py [-h] [-f FILE] [-i SIZE] [-p FPS] [-g GRID] [-N N] [-t] [-d] left right Stereo Camera calibration tool positional arguments: left Left Camera device ID/folder right Left Camera device ID/folder optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f FILE, --file FILE Output filename of the calibrated camera -i SIZE, --size SIZE Frame width and height -p FPS, --fps FPS Frame rate -g GRID, --grid GRID Grid shape of the calibration target -N N Number of samples to gather -t, --test Test camera calibration file -d, --disparity Calculate Disparity Map Histogram learning tool: learn_histogram ======================================== This utility will start a GUI where you can select a rectangle from which the histogram should be calculated. After you press Escape it will write histogram Json file of the learnt histogram. You can read this histogram into python array and then convert it into numpy array in order to use with ``BlobExtraction`` or ``HistogramBackprojection`` processors. Usage:: # python EasyVision.bin.learn_histogram -h usage: learn_histogram.py [-h] [-f FILE] [-i SIZE] [-t] camera Color histogram learning tool positional arguments: camera Camera device ID/folder optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f FILE, --file FILE Output filename of the learned histogram -i SIZE, --size SIZE Frame width and height -t, --test Test histogram Object learning tool: learn_model ================================= This utility will start a GUI, where you can see what model views are encoded, and what it is matched against. Usage:: # python -m EasyVision.bin.learn_model -h usage: learn_model.py [-h] [-f FILE] [-c CAMERA] [-H HAND] [-e FEATURE_TYPE] [-i SIZE] [-p FPS] [-t] device Camera calibration tool positional arguments: device Camera device ID/folder optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f FILE, --file FILE Output filename of the learned model -c CAMERA, --camera CAMERA Calibrated PinholeCamera file -H HAND, --hand HAND Color histogram of the hand -e FEATURE_TYPE, --feature_type FEATURE_TYPE Feature Type (e.g. ORB/FREAK/SIFT) -i SIZE, --size SIZE Frame width and height -p FPS, --fps FPS Frame rate -t, --test Test learned model Remote processing server: server ================================ Usage:: # python -m EasyVision.bin.server -h usage: server.py [-h] [-H HOST] [-p PORT] [-l] name file Remote Processor Stack Server using Pyro4 Processor Stack Builder json positional arguments: name Name of the remote Pyro4 source object file Processor Stack builder Json file optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -H HOST, --host HOST Hostname of the server (default: localhost) -p PORT, --port PORT Port of the server (default: 0) -l, --lazy Specifies whether to do lazy capturing, e.g. on demand (default: false) # python -m EasyVision.bin.server 'LeftCamera' left-stack.json -H