Capturing Frames **************** ```` submodule conttains various capturing adapters. Frame structure =============== Each capturing adapter captures an image from some external source and returns a Frame object. Frame consists of a ``timestamp``, frame ``index``, ``images`` - collection of Image objects and a ``processing_mask``. Frame is implemented as namedtuple object with several additional helper methods. Please refer to ```` submodule documentation for more details. Frame supports ``fromdict``, ``todict`` methods as well as ``tobytes``, ``frombytes`` and ``tobuffer``, ``frombuffer`` which are used for multiprocessing and PyroServer. Image structure =============== An Image consists of ``source``, ``image``, ``mask``, ``original``, ``features`` and ``feature_type`` fields and is implemented as namedtuple object. ``source`` is a reference to the capture/processor object, that generated this image. ``image`` is usually a numpy array containing the actual captured image. ``mask`` is a generated or captured mask, that should be applied to the image before e.g. feature extraction. ``original`` is an original image. Usually this one is not being used, so it is ``None``. ``features`` and ``feature_type`` is generated by ``FeatureExtraction``/``BlobExtraction`` processing object. Image supports ``fromdict``, ``todict`` methods as well as ``tobytes``, ``frombytes`` and ``tobuffer``, ``frombuffer`` which are used for multiprocessing and PyroServer. Capturing from a list of images =============================== It is useful to be able to process a list of images in offline processing scenarious. That is possible with ``ImagesReader`` class: .. code-block:: python images = [...] with ImagesReader(images) as vision: for frame in vision: # do something with the frame It is also possible to provide a list of masks: .. code-block:: python images = [...] masks = [...] with ImagesReader(images, mask_paths=masks) as vision: for frame in vision: # do something with the frame Capturing from video file or camera =================================== Alternatively one can read frames from a video file like so: .. code-block:: python with VideoCapture('path/to/video/file.mp4') as vision: for frame in vision: # do something with the frame Or perform online capturing from e.g. a webcam: .. code-block:: python with VideoCapture(0) as vision: for frame in vision: # do something with the frame Capturing from capturing server =============================== For some really computationally heavy processing it is useful to split the processing stack into several parts, that run on separate machines. For that purpose there is a Pyro4 ``Server`` and ``PyroCapture``. The capturing protocol is already familiar: .. code-block:: python with PyroCapture('RemoteProcessingStack') as vision: for frame in vision: # do something with the frame However in order to use PyroCapture class, a Pyro4 NameServer should already be running and RemoteProcessingStack should be registered. You can start Pyro4 Name Server like this:: # pyro4-ns Then you should start EasyVision server on the remote machine like this:: # python -m EasyVision.bin.server RemoteProcessingStack remote_processing_stack.json For more information on how to configure Pyro4 you can refer to Pyro4 documentation. The format of ``remote_processing_stack.json`` file is described on ``ProcessorStackBuilder`` documentation page. Writing your own adaptors ========================= Just subclass from ```` and implement all abstract methods.